I am a Data Scientist at Meesho, where I specialize in modeling Long-Term User Interactions and Product Quality. My current projects involve the application of advanced Machine Learning techniques, including Representation Learning, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Computer Vision, Distributed Tree-Based Methods, and Reinforcement Learning, to derive insightful analytics and predictive models.
Before joining Meesho, I worked at Qure.AI, Wadhwani AI, UIUC, UNSW Sydney, and IIST Trivandrum. I have had the honor of publishing my research in prestigious journals and conferences, including the ECCV, Natural Language Processing Journal(Elsevier) and PLOS ONE.
B.Tech in ECE, 2021
IIT Guwahati
We use advanced language models such as BERT to provide topic modelling of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. We then map those topics of the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads since it is well known that Bhagavad Gita summarizes the key messages in the Upanishads. We also analyse the distinct and overlapping topics amongst the texts and visualise the link of selected texts of the Upanishads with the Bhagavad Gita.
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